eviQ Program Governance 

Detailed information describing the processes and methods used to develop, maintain and update all eviQ information can be found in the eviQ Program Governance Manual.

eviQ Governance Framework

Editorial independence

eviQ is funded by the NSW state government and governed by the Cancer Institute NSW Board. In addition, eviQ receives a small amount of funding from each state and territory to enable interstate travel by clinicians to attend eviQ reference committee activities for content development and review.

eviQ does not receive sponsorship from any commercial or pharmaceutical industry, nor does it use advertising from any source.

All clinicians participating in eviQ reference committee activities are practising medical, nursing or allied health clinicians and must declare any conflict of interest. This ensures eviQ maintains editorial independence across all of its processes, and all content is presented free from bias.

Rigour of development

The development of content for eviQ follows a strict data governance process. eviQ protocols are based upon the best and most comprehensive evidence available at the time they are developed, and follow the NHMRC hierarchy of levels of evidence. Meta-analysis, or systematic review of randomised trials, of high methodological quality are ranked highest, while case studies are ranked lowest.

There are two types of evidence templates on eviQ, the ‘standard evidence template’ and ‘limited evidence template‘. Protocols with limited evidence include a ‘limited evidence table‘ to ensure transparency about the level of supporting evidence available.

Limited evidence template and the NHMRC Evidence Hierarchy table 

 Levels of evidence supporting a protocol available on eviQ

The criteria for selecting which evidence template will be used for the development of a protocol is determined by the level of evidence available. For example, using the NHMRC Evidence Hierarchy table: 

  • Protocols based on Level I, II and III-1 will display the eviQ standard evidence template.
  • Protocols based on Level III-2, III-3 and IV will display the limited evidence template.

eviQ compliance with Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

eviQ works within the bounds of the Commonwealth of Australia’s regulatory and reimbursement process for drug marketing and subsidy and complies with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). A drug must be PBS listed and/or TGA registered for a particular indication in order for it to be included on the eviQ website for that indication.

eviQ policy: eviQ compliance with TGA registration and PBS listing for drugs  

Use of eviQ protocols within an oncology management information system (OMIS)

The eviQ chemotherapy protocols are being increasingly used at the point of care within the clinical information systems in the cancer centres. eviQ and CINSW is keen to work with all vendors who are doing work in this space.  Please contact eviQ at feedback@eviQ.org.au to let us know what you are doing and for opportunities to work together. 

For more information about uploading the eviQ protocols into an OMIS, please see our FAQ page.

Reference committees

Reference committees of clinical experts in each area review and debate the information at regular formal meetings. Consensus must be reached before content may be approved and published on the site. This ensures the content's currency, validity and integrity. Content is then reviewed periodically every 1 to 5 years according to eviQ’s stratified review process. For more information about our reference committees and how you can get involved, please see our FAQ page.

Protocol request, development and revision

The progress of the development of a protocol is tracked by using a series of categories. For more information about this process, see our FAQ page.